Hike: 30-Jun-2007 07:00-09:00 CDT
Conditions: Sunny, very warm, quite muggy.
Distance: 4 miles
Rating: 5
Difficulty: Easy
Thoughts: Had the park to myself. Saw everyone going Kayaking off this morning at church (I'm on call and can't go.). Went straight to park to hike. Best hiking time during this season of year. Many songbirds out! Crows very vocal today. Lots of tracks (dog, bobcat?, coyote, fox). Smelled skunk strongly in Pine Upland - didn't see him though (thankfully!) Park received some desperately needed rain the last few days. Some oaks showing signs of drought stress.
Thank YOU for this time with YOU in YOUR creation. This is so good for my spirit! It is so very good to get "away" from the busy-ness and demands placed on me daily. These hikes, LORD, are even better for my spirit than for my body. Thank YOU for the Freedom that YOU alone give.
Message tomorrow from Isa. 58:6-9.