Expedition #6: Canoe/Kayak Big Coldwater Creek, Milton, FL, 7/26/2008, 10:30-14:00
Conditions: Sunny, very h-o-t, humid. Typical sub-tropical summer in FL panhandle. Gauge height about 3.5ft. Good river conditions - level fine for canoes and kayaks. Two tree-falls encountered with restricted passage area - no portages required. Bottom of creek is largely small gravel with some areas of sand. Many gravel and sandy banks or bars to stop and recreate.
Trail Distance: 7 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Rating: 4/5 (due to number of tubes from MM 3 to 7 that made the creek crowded in places)
Expedition #6: 22 people (14 kayaks and 2 canoes) departed the church at 6:15am! We made great time - GOD blessed us and we were on the creek a little after 10:00am. We had a successful launch of all boats - no wrecks or roll-overs here.
First three miles of Coldwater Creek was mostly just us and Coldwater Creek's riparian environment. To me this section of the creek may be the best and was over too quick.
We encountered lots of tubers on the Creek as expected after Mile 3. Jonny & I swept. There were several congested areas but also areas of solitude. Thank YOU for such a place to appreciate YOUR creation. It was so great to share this experience with people I love.
Little viewable wildlife on this trip(I'm sure due to the volume of people and noise.). Water level was high enough to make paddling easy for the kayaks. Nicole, Savannah, & Ashton (our youngest adventurers) all enjoyed the trip! I believe a great time of fellowship and fun was had by all. Maybe we can do this again some time as an overnighter?