Hike: Mountain Creek, Sat., 8/23/2008, 08:00-11:30
Distance: 5.6 miles
Rating: 5/5
Difficulty: Easy
Conditions: Tropical Storm Fay coming south of us. Cloudy, light rain. Moderate wind gusts.
It was great to be in the woods during a tropical system. I know that may sound weird, but it reminded me so much of my youth at home - hiking in the forest behind home and feeling the comforting wind blow through the trees and the broom sage. Speak to my heart, LORD GOD.
Rain was not very heavy during morning hours - mostly light to heavy sprinkles, intermittently. Many birds observed and one very small green lizard seen on the way out. Temperature and windy conditions were quite enjoyable. I was really out of the woods before Fay became an issue in our area.