Hike: Papago Park, Elliot Trail, Phoenix, AZ
Date: 08/16/2007 11:00-12:00
Conditions: Very hot ~ 110F
Distance: 2 miles
Rating: 4.5
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Thoughts: First 0.5 miles on paved (black asphalt). Rest of trail is natural surface. Well marked for this area and easily found. Very nice park. Red buttes offer a unique experience. They are pock-marked with small indentions - like little caves (shallow). Area is quite open - one can see for great distances. Would be impossible to get lost. Also went to the zoo ($14). Well maintained. Lots of animals were in the shade - don't blame them. Stopped by Desert Botanical Gardens on way out ($10). Well organized. Impressive collection of desert flora from around the world. Enjoyed the walk through the gardens as best I could. It was blazing hot and I was out of water. I bought a can of Fresca in the vending area and downed it in just a couple of minutes. Last time I remember drinking a Fresca was when I almost overheated at Summer band camp (that was just a few years ago).
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