HIKE: The Deadening Alpine Trail, near Kowliga, AL on Lake Martin, 12/27/2008, 09:41-12:50
DISTANCE: 4.5 miles RATING: 5/5
DIFFICULTY: Difficult (due to steepness, danger of nearby cliffs, and some bouldering)
CONDITIONS: Mostly cloudy at start to Partly cloudy at end. Moderate to stiff breeze. Fast moving clouds. Lake wind advisory. Temps: upper 60's to low 70's
Perhaps the most difficult hike in this part of the state, but a very beautiful area. Observed 1 small whitetailed buck, numerous insects, a few passerines, numerous types of lichen and mosses as well as ferns and usual pine/oak forest types. Met three hikers as I was exiting the trail (they were from Colorado!). First hike with SPOT - did a CheckOK message from the trailhead. (Kathy and Diane both received the message.) Did the Needles Eye on way out.
Thank YOU, LORD, for this time and place and for what YOU are doing in my life.