HIKE: Alabama Wildlife Federation Nature Center - Lanark, Millbrook, 12/20/2008 08:12-12:00
DISTANCE: 8.0 miles
CONDITIONS: Mostly cloudy, very warm for time of year (low 70's), nice moderate breeze through most of hike (a few good "leaf showers" in Still Creek Run area). Santa was at the Pavilion and the AWF was running a hayride through part of Turkey Ridge. Largest crowd of people I have ever seen here - but they were all at the pavilion or on hayride. Only met a few people on the trails.
Observed one very vocal Kingfisher (?) at the Still Creek Run pond. He (or she) did not appreciate me or a man and his small son being in the area. Many song birds seen and heard. (This is one of the best areas around for bird watching.) I could hear steam venting from the IP Mill south of Prattville from the Hilltop Pass area as well as traffic noise from I-65/Cobbs-Ford Rd., but they really did not intrude on my tranquility. It is so wonderful to be able to "get out" and enjoy YOUR creation, LORD. Thank YOU.
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