Tuesday, June 09, 2009 (Day 2):
Up a little after 06:00 without an alarm! Day seems to be dawning bright, warm, and beautiful. There is a long road ahead of us. Please guide and protect us, LORD. I would like to make it to Flagstaff, AZ today, but I ask that YOU give me peace and that we will travel with YOUR time schedule. YOUR timing is best.
Reading Jer. 28-29 this morning. It is wonderful to know that YOU, LORD, think about me! Who am I that YOU should even stoop to consider me? I am not worthy. But I praise YOU for YOUR love and mercy; for YOUR grace and truth; for YOUR power and protection. We are a long way from home and getting farther away with every turn of the wheel – but we are never away from YOUR presence. Praise YOUR name! Open our eyes and hearts to YOUR presence today. Help us see what special jewel YOU have hidden among the fields. I pray for my family left at home – they are all in my heart.
It has been a long day. We did not make it to Amarillo, TX – stopped for the night in Wichita Falls, TX.
Trailer swaying really got bad near Tyler, TX today. We talked to the “RV Doctor” (Calvin Cook). He said to really tighten down on the sway bar. I did so and it was great! (Thank YOU, LORD, for sending him.) Had trouble with it again outside Wichita Falls – the ball had come loose. Retightened and it was fine. YOU took such care of us today. Thank YOU, LORD.
While in Longview, TX (to eat lunch at Grandy’s) I met a black man who was “down on his luck”. He had spent all of his money on auto repairs and was now out of gas. He was trying to get home to Fort Worth. I gave him $20.00 to help get him home. He seemed sincere and in need. I was glad to be able to help him. (YOU turned around in just a few hours and sent the RV Doctor to help us out!)
Kathy’s CPAP quit tonight also! Thankfully she brought her old one. Wow, what’s up here??? LORD, satan has seriously turned up the pressure. I look to YOU. Hopefully we will make it to AZ tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 (Day 3)
Start of Day 3 of the Great Western Expedition! It has thus far certainly been an adventure – just not exactly what I had in mind! I would like to have started this day with a trip to the Grand Canyon but we still have a full day of driving ahead to get there. Nevertheless, it is good to be on the GWE. LORD, please continue to give us safe and good driving. Prepare the place for us to stay. We are in YOUR hands.
On the home front, Diane is dealing with Nikki’s failing health. Nikki is twelve years old or older and seems to have some type of neurological (and maybe cardiac) difficulties. Diane will probably be taking her to the vet today. It’s possible they may have to euthanize her. That’s a lot for Diane to deal with.
Another night on the road – I-40 in Albuq. NM. Only 323 miles left to the Grand Canyon! It’s too late and I’m too tired to go into all of the adventures of the day. Remind me to tell you about a golf ball thrown from an I-40 pedestrian overpass in Albuq. NM. There’s a dent in the hood of our Explorer to remind me of it!
Met some nice people from Oklahoma at a NM rest stop. They were travelling to the Grand Canyon with their 7yoa granddaughter.
Met a young man at one of the many gas stops who asked me to pray for him. He was not sure where he was headed or what he was going to do. His name is Ron.
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